Prehistoric fisheries: learning about the past to inform the present and the future.

We are probably sounding repetitive by now, but fishermen’s tales can tell us a lot about how things were in the past. Still, there is a limit to how far back in time fishermen can go with their memories. They would not be able to tell us about things that happened thousands of years ago, right? Well, not exactly, past fishermen might still be able to communicate with us through other means, for example, through some physical evidence of what they were targeting in the past. We already know that fishing was practiced by very ancient civilizations ( Fujita et al., 2016 ), which relied on limited technology. However, when we say “limited technology” we are simply comparing it with our current technology, which by no means implies that fishermen had no impact on their target stocks in the past. Assuming that they did impact, we still have to understand how their forefathers influenced the current patterns of diversity and abundance of marine specie...